
With soaring energy prices, the energy cost has become an important factor in the total cost of the final product. After raw materials and direct labor, energy generally is the third largest variable cost in manufacturing, representing on average 3 to 5% of the company's turnover. Today it is no longer sufficient to optimize output, quality and logistics, also energy consumption is a very important factor in the operating cost of a production plant.
Product Descriptions


With soaring energy prices, the energy cost has become an important factor in the total cost of the final product. After raw materials and direct labor, energy generally is the third largest variable cost in manufacturing, representing on average 3 to 5% of the company's turnover. Today it is no longer sufficient to optimize output, quality and logistics, also energy consumption is a very important factor in the operating cost of a production plant.


A sudden increase in the energy consumption of a production run can push an order easily in the red figures. With ever rising energy prices and increasing environmental legislation, efficient energy management has become a very critical success factor to run a profitable business in today's global economy.

In many countries there are incentives to save energy. In Europe RECIPE or the Reduced Energy Consumption in Plastics Engineering is such a program as part of the European Commission's Intelligent Energy Program. The EnergyMaster system can be offered as an extension of existing BMS MES systems such as PlantMaster, WeaveMaster and/or SedoMaster but can also be used as standalone system.


Monitoring of energy consumptions in the Plastics Markets


EnergyMaster is the BMS real time energy monitoring system. Following the principle of Monitoring & Targeting (M&T), it maps the different energy consumptions (electricity, gas, compressed air, water, steam,...) for further analysis and optimization. The integration with the BMS MES systems, provides a perfect insight between energy consumption and production.


Real time monitoring of all energy consumptions
Consumer report for analysis of consumption by department, work centre,..
Consumption trend reports
Automatic alarming
Peak shaving
Correlation with production data


Between 3 and 7% energy savings
Identification of excessive energy consumers
Correct allocation of energy cost by product, production order,...




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